Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wordless Wednesdays

I really like how my cousin uses Wordless Wednesdays to just post some pictures. So Lacie I hope you don't mind but I'm going to start to do the same. I like to post pictures and not have to type so much.

Aubrey in a Bob the builder hard hat at her cousin Trevor's Birthday party.

Matthew in his Bob the Builder hard hat at Trevor's Birthday party.

Everyone with Great Grandpa Braeuer except Aubrey she didn't want to partake in this photo.


Lacie said...

Yes, Please use the Wordless Wednesdays, because I got the idea from someone else!!! It is a great way to sneak some favorite photos in!!! By the way...The pictures are GREAT!

Lacie said...

Ok- I don't have an email address for you but I am needing some mailing address...E-Mail me please!!!!

Lisa...Your Parents...