Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

So It's Super Bowl Sunday! Ok so not that exciting since the Cowboys aren't in it but what the heck lets have people over and enjoy the game....I will miss the first hour of the game due to being at my second job. Rick will have to start dinner on his own till I get home.

So my kids are STARVING - and it's been two weeks since I've been to the grocery store. I have eggs and Bisquick - Rick is wanting biscuits so the GOOD WIFE that I am read the back of the bisquick box and start making biscuits. All of you that know me this is really ambitious of me. But hey they ended up being really good and REALLY CUTE! As you can see from the photo they are Mickey and Minnie Mouse shapes.

I got these cookie cutters for the kids' birthday party and never used them! What a perfect oppurtunity to use them.. Oh yeah then I had to make the gravy (Instant mix) so my husband could have biscuits and gravy! I must say it was an excellent breakfast just look at Matthew's face!! (PRICELESS) Aubrey's picture not so good but thought I would include it anyway. I couldn't get a picture of her with her eyes OPEN!!

After cleaning up I go ahead and decide to go the the grocery store since we will be having people over for dinner and the game! I pick up fajita meat and tortillas a necessity here in south Texas. Along with the Cheesedip and chips. And you must have a dessert the best part of any meal!! So seeing how I started out so ambitious this morning why not for the dessert I made Chocolate Mousse Napoleons with Strawberries and Cream. I was really impressed with myself they turned out pretty much like the picture in the book and they were Oh so scrumptios. If your good Richard maybe I will make some for your birthday if you and Patsy ever decide to travel back to TEXAS and see the Grandkids. (HA HA :P) Here is the picture of the dessert.

Even though the Cowboys weren't in the Superbowl it still ended up being a good game to watch with our friends Misty and Hogan and of course baby Cayden and my parents.

When I got home after work Rick informed me that Matthew has been really tired and that he is running a temperature. Needless to say I get home take his temp and he is at 103.5!!! So I give him some Motrin and a cool wash cloth to help bring the temp down. But not much success. So on Monday morning I took him to the office with me and Aubrey to school. The doctor has he has the FLU and a sinus infection!! And yes he got the flu shot but we still have that UGLY BUG!! RICHARD and PATSY where are YOU when I need my retired babysitters!!!(HA HA)

Here is an extra picture of Aubrey being her DIVA self

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