Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bathroom Remodel

So lately it's been really hectic around my house! We have been working on our Master Bathroom. It has been a really long process. I was hoping this project would be a little less time consuming!! Ha Ha the joke was on me. Here is what the Master bath looked like before the demo.

This week the plumbers have been here working on putting the tub in. What a job!! As you will see I decided to upgrade the bathtub. I wanted a bathtub that I could escape too and soak in after a hard days work. Something I could stay in a long time and enjoy. So I ended up with this tub. I know this picture doesn't show justice quite yet ~ but the plumber did say I could get in it tonight and who knows what will happen after the kids go to sleep tonight. Hang some sheets over the window and around the sides to hide the insulation and WAH-LA a soaking tub.

Oh yeah the sheetrock guy will be buy this evening to give his BID!!! Who knew a bathroom remodel would be so EXPENSIVE

More to be posted as the project comes along.......

Saturday, September 22, 2007

First Haircuts

This past weekend we took the kids for haircuts. They have pictures on Thursday at school. This was Aubrey's first real haircut! I have to say she was AWESOME. Nothing like her brothers first haircut.

For Matthew I had to literally hold him down to get his hair cut. He would get so mad at me and turn beat red. The horrible things we have to do to our children to make them look clean cut. As for Aubrey we let Matthew go first and let her watch her BIG brother get his hair cut. After he was done she turned to us and said " My turn" I said yes dear it's your turn. She sat in the chair all by herself. Rick and I were so proud of her.
Here is a picture of OUR BIG GIRL getting her first haircut by Gayle at Supercuts. Rick actually went to school with Gayle and played in the band with her.

And YES we did BRIBE her with a Lollipop for her to sit still. But WOW did it ever work!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Soccer Time

Today was Matthew's 1st Soccer Practice. I have to say he had a blast. They are so cute at this age. He ran around alot and kicked the ball into the goal alot. Next time I hope he will just wait his turn in line with the other kids instead of going 50 times in a row. At least he is having fun.
Matthew kicking the ball through the cones

Then he found the sticks in the ground and that was the end of soccer practice. Kids what do ya do when they get so distracted.

I just laughed and smiled at my little man.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Happy Anniversary to US!!
Picture of us at our Rehearsal Dinner. How CUTE - 4 wonderful years ago.

Today was our 4 year Anniversary!! We also celebrate our Anniversary with my Granny and Poppy and today was there 60th!! CONGRATS to Granny and Poppy. I recieved some beautiful flowers this morning from my husband wishing me a Happy Anniversary so sweet. SO on that note I decided to send Granny and Poppy some beautiful flowers as well seeing as they have had 60 wonderful years together. May Rick and I have half a great as marriage as those two have had.

SO something fun! 8 things about my marriage.

1. Where did we meet?

My best friend in the whole wide world thought it would be a good idea that we meet. So while working for Manpower at Formosa we met at the copy machine.

2. What was the first thing you said to your husband?

While standing at the copy machine, making copies of course(things I really didn't need) I got tired of killing trees waiting for him to introduce himself. So I introduced myself to him and said SO when are you planning on taking me out? =-P

3. Where was the first date?

The first date he picked me up at my parents house in Port Lavaca at 5pm. We drove back to Victoria and had dinner at Bennigans, and then decided to go play some pool at barney's before the movie. After a REALLY HORRIBLE movie we decided to go to the beach and just walk around in the sand. Before we knew it - it got really late really fast. He dropped me back off at 5am. I thought for sure Dad would be out front with a shotgun!! Nope he was sound a sleep. HE did wake me up thougha at 7am to get ready for church and asked what time I got in.

4. Where was the first kiss

The first kiss was after a corporate cup match at his house in the kitchen.

5. Did you have a long or short engagement?

I would have to say long. 1 year exactly to the wedding date.

6. Where did you get engaged?

We got engaged in his kitchen. He came home late from Playing GOLF! I was a little upset because I had made dinner and it was getting cold. And How dare he come home late from playing GOLF when he should have been at work all day. It all ended well seeing how he still proposed to me after I was mad at him.

7. How did the wedding reception go?

Wedding reception all went well and as it was suppose to go except we didn't drink from eachothers glasses. But we did eat the cake from each other.!!!

8. How was the Honeymoon?

Honeymoon was great and hope that we get to go back a second time. We went to the Poconos in Pennslyvania. Met another couple and had a blast. It was beautiful up there. Only problem was on the way back on the plane ride the pilot came over the PA and said if you look out the Left side of the plane there is Hurricane Isabel. Luckily I was on the Right side of the plane.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dance School has Started

It's been a while since my last post. sorry! It has just been so CRAZY at my house. We are remodeling the master bath so that takes up most of my spare time.

So I have enrolled Aubrey in Dance School!! Today was her first day. They take her during the day care hours. The only down side is that I wasn't able to take her. But I'm sure there will plenty more oppurtunities to take her for her First class.

Here a couple of pictures for your enjoyment.