Friday, July 11, 2008

Where does the time go??

So it's been a while since I have posted. I think I have really entered the 3 ring circus phase of life at least for now until school functions start. Matthew is playing T-ball for the YMCA. The games are Hillarious! Some play with flowers while others play in dirt. I think you know which one Matthew is doing. HA HA HA. Although he is not much on playing in the field he sure does love to bat. He's not too bad at it either.

Here he is taking a swing during practice. Go Slugger Go. Here is the video of him batting

So that is where some of our time has gone. We also went to Splashway in Sheridan Texas. It's a nice little water park for the kids to play in. Here are a few pictures from that weekend. Will post later in the evening.

It may be a while before I post again Rick and I will be heading to Hawaii in August. Will post pictures of the trip when we get back.

1 comment:

Fabulous Family of Five! said...

Cute pics! I can imagine your circus.... ours is too! Can't wait to see yall next week in Maui!!!