Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Something New

OK - So it's been a LOOOONG while since I've posted. Life is CRAZY at the moment, but I promise to get back in the swing of things. I'm going to start with the SPT of the week. SOMETHING NEW...
Well my something new is the Nintendo Wii. Yes I know I'm still a kid at heart. But I don't think you can get too old for games. Heck this is one game my HUSBAND will play with me. Something we can do together and laugh at each other with. We've tried teaching the kids but they are still a little impatient yet independent on the whole thing. They don't have a clue about what they are doing but they sure do try. We let them play the boxing game and they look so funny swinging those tiny little arms around in the air. I will have to get a picture of them playing and post it so you can see for yourself.
Oh yeah as for Mother's Day ! It was wonderful. Couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to spend with the family playing. All though there was no card RICK - oh wait that's right he showed it to me in the store read it to me and said now I don't have to buy it. What a sense a humor!!! As for the kids they made things for me at school. Aubrey had a plant for me and a poem with her handprints on it and Matthew has a different poem with his handprints on the paper. I just LOVE these Memory Keepsakes. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day and many more to come.

1 comment:

Fabulous Family of Five! said...

gotta love our hubbys right.... happy mother's day!